Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's up!!!!!

Hey guys!!! I know I didn't post in a long time. Guess what next week is...... Next week is mine, Zoya, and Liana's Birthday!!!!! I really miss you guys. Moving was really hectic, but i'm okay. I hope I can visit you guys because i'm really busy!!!!! Well i'll post something  new!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

   Hey Guys!!! We have a four way tie!!!
Plese vote only 1 time now. The songs are  Hey Baby, Only Girl, Firework, and Dynamite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May the best song win!! BYE PEEPS!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Please vote on which video is the best you can....
1# tell me in school
2# you can email me
3# or comment
The Brinly booth will close on February 15, 2011
The winner will be shown on February 16, 2011

Vote only 3 times! Good Luck!!!

My Top 10 Favorite songs

Monday, January 24, 2011

     Hey guys thank you for signing up/being a follower. You can let your friends to follow me just ask me at school if you want them to be a follower or email me. For email look at my profile. P.S. look at my older posts. Good night!!!

Mario kart

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Epic Mickey Trailer

Hope you buy the video game. P.S I didn't make the painting/drawing. I have it . It's awesome!!!! Buy it!!!

Epic Mickey

The logo
 The best video game in the world!!

Epic Mickey

The cover that I painted/drew

Oswald the lucky Rabbit

Mickey destroying Wasteland